Sunday, May 30, 2010

Week 4- Post 2- Response to Eric Anderson

Week 4: Project - Publishing-Leadership 3 of 3

What a relief! I’ve spoken to some contacts with the Wisconsin CMP Project (CMP = Comprehensive Musicianship through Performance) and they’re interested in possibly having me present my work at a summer workshop. I’ve attended the CMP workshop several times as a participant, and it would be an honor to be able to present my action research project there.

The 2010 summer workshop is the last week of Month 12 of the EMDT program, so it’s not the best timing as far as this year is concerned. However, the 2011 workshop would give me enough time to continue working on a Cycle 3 for my project to include in my presentation. I think this would be a valuable addition to my project, since my Cycle 2 involved using Ning as a central component to a blended mode of content delivery in my AP Music Theory class. Since Ning will no longer be available in its current form after this July, I would like to look into and experiment with alternatives to Ning that would provide similar functionality, including, discussions, events, and chat.

On a somewhat related note, my department will be presenting a session this October at the WMEA State Music Convention on the topic of general music courses at the high school level. Since my AR project was conducted in two of these classes, I hope to be able to incorporate some components of my project into this presentation.

Ali Baxendale
I am so excited that you are going to be presenting your project! I know it will be an excellent presentation from everything I have seen you do in this program! I think it is great that you are going to wait to do another cycle to make your research and project more useful and relevant to the teachers you present to. It would be frustrating to see a wonderful presentation and be unable to use the ideas because the sites used were no longer available. I know you will find a great new site to use! I can't wait to hear how it all turns out!

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